
Create order and proceed to checkout

POST https://api.voordemensen.nl/v1/:client_name/order/create

Create a new order and redirect the end-user to the payment provider.

Path Parameters

Request Body

        "url": "https://link-to-paymentprovider", 
        "order_key" : "unique-identifier-of-order"


Get status of order/payment

GET https://api.voordemensen.nl/v1/:client_name/order/:order_key

Check if the order is paid and display additional info. Use the order_key to find the order. Upon return from the payment provider we will add the query parameter ?response=order_key to the redirectURL (see above).

Path Parameters

  "order_payment_status": "paid",
  "order_tickets_nr": 1,
  "order_tickets_url": "https://tickets.voordemensen.nl/client_name/order/XgFca-QmBxG-9WhAj-Osszb/ticket",
  "order_receipt_url": "https://tickets.voordemensen.nl/client_name/order/XgFca-QmBxG-9WhAj-Osszb/receipt",
  "seats": [
      "seat_id": 2904,
      "event_name": "Your Event",
      "event_type": null

Last updated